The POLIS Annual Conference provides an opportunity for cities and regions to showcase their transport achievements to a large audience of mobility experts, practitioners and decision makers.

We are happy to organise this event in cooperation with the Urban Transport Administration of the City of Gothenburg, which currently holds the Presidency of POLIS.
With a focus on innovation, sustainability and co-creation, Gothenburg hosts one of Europe’s most dynamic clusters within the field of mobility. Click here to see what the city has to offer.
We are closely monitoring the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic together with the Urban Transport Administration of the city of Gothenburg and the Lindholmen Conference Centre, and will ensure that the event takes place according to the strictest safety protocols.
Våra medarbetare Sara Boije af Gennäs och Lennart Persson deltar i konferensen och berättar om ”Experiences from implementimg MaaS-services in new and existing residential areas” och ”Shared autonomous vehicles in the future fossil independent transport system”.